Madera Flowers
Preserved 3 Emerald Blue Roses Bouquet with Blue Tone Wrap
Preserved 3 Emerald Blue Roses Bouquet with Blue Tone Wrap
Introducing this Preserved 3 Emerald Blue Roses Bouquet—a stunning arrangement that blends deep blue roses with warm-toned dried elements like yellow fillers, delicate pink bunny tails, and white baby's breath. Wrapped in elegant blue and white paper, and tied with a matching blue ribbon, this bouquet embodies grace and sophistication. Its preserved flowers will stay vibrant for up to two years, making it a perfect long-lasting gift for any special occasion. Ideal for those looking for a meaningful gesture that endures, this bouquet is a unique way to convey your heartfelt sentiments. Grab yours now before stocks run out! Personalize it by spritzing your favorite perfume to elevate the fragrance.
Disclaimer: Do note that the color of floral wrapper/ side foliage may vary & is up to the discretion of the florist. If a particular item is unavailable, an item of similar quality and value will be substituted.