Madera Flowers
Preserved 3 Red Roses Bouquet with DK Blue Tone Wrap
Preserved 3 Red Roses Bouquet with DK Blue Tone Wrap
A delightful arrangement featuring three preserved red roses at its heart, surrounded by a blend of natural white fillers, soft pink and yellow, purple accents, creating a romantic and timeless beauty. The bouquet is elegantly wrapped in layers of white, soft green and dark blue floral paper and completed with a satin green ribbon, making it perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions or marking special occasions with a touch of lasting elegance. No maintenance is required, just keep it dry, and the flowers will last up to two years. Add your favorite perfume for a more personal and fragrant touch.
Disclaimer: Do note that the color of floral wrapper/ side foliage may vary & is up to the discretion of the florist. If a particular item is unavailable, an item of similar quality and value will be substituted.