Madera Flowers
Preserved 3 Red Roses Bouquet with Pink Tone Wrap
Preserved 3 Red Roses Bouquet with Pink Tone Wrap
A captivating bouquet that merges elegance and timeless beauty. Featuring three preserved red roses as the centerpiece, complemented by natural dried fillers in soft pink, yellow and white tones, this arrangement is a perfect expression of love and affection. The blend of soft pink dried bunny tails and white accents creates a romantic and delicate aura. Wrapped in a striking pink and white floral paper and tied with a satin white ribbon, this bouquet is perfect for special moments like anniversaries, or birthdays, or just to show your appreciation. The preserved flowers will remain beautiful for up to two years—just keep them dry and enjoy their timeless charm. Personalize it by spritzing your favorite perfume to elevate the fragrance.
Disclaimer: Do note that the color of floral wrapper/ side foliage may vary & is up to the discretion of the florist. If a particular item is unavailable, an item of similar quality and value will be substituted.